Monday, June 8, 2020

Effect of Coffee on your health and what coffee does to your brain

effects of coffee o your health

Coffee is one of the popular beverages in the world, and it contains a high number of antioxidants and it is a healthy beverage coffee drinker have a much lower chance of having some serious disease.

Coffee can make people energetic, and people feel less tired because it contains a stimulant called caffeine, and then it is absorbed by your bloodstream.

Caffeine can help to burn your fat because it increases your metabolism rate it can also improve your physical performance because it contains caffeine it can decrease the chances of type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

Coffee also contains the antioxidant which is good for your body, and it is the substance that protects you from the free radical effect which may cause damage to your body cells so it will defense our skin from the free radical effect so we can say that coffee is a healthy beverage.

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