Sunday, June 7, 2020

What is antioxidant | antioxidant meanings | antioxidant foods


An antioxidant is a substance that protects our body cells from the effect of free radicals. Which can cause skin problem antioxidant is found in fruits and vegetables.

We can get antioxidants from vitamin C and vitamin E vegetables like lemon and fruits like orange contain a high number of antioxidants. Which can keep us safe from the effect of the free radicals. Which can protect our skin as well As is good for health. The antioxidant can keep our skin good, and it is good for our body.

Turmeric also has a high number of antioxidants you can drink it with hot milk so it will give many benefits even you can apply it on your face after applying on your face keep it for sometimes and then wash your face with water and your skin will become healthy and beautiful because it contains an antioxidant.

It is essential for the survival of human .plants and animals and all other forms of life have their own defense system to being protected from free radicals and oxidative damage

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