benefits of regular exercise.
As of my knowledge, we should do exercise regularly as it has many benefits it will make you feel awesome. It increases your blood circulation and because of it your oxygen level will increase in your body after doing exercise you may feel exhausted but you will get confident and you will get a good night's sleep.
After some time you will not feel tiredness as you were feeling before starting exercise you will feel full of energy.
Exercise is not something that you should do weekly you should spend should your time on exercise every day it is like water as it is important for our life.
Exercise also one of them so take out some time for exercise because it can make you feel happy so you should stay active also while doing exercise. It also increases a chemical that can boost happiness in our brain and can fight depression.
So what I want to say is you Should do exercise regularly as an important part of your life if your mood is off doing something make exercise compulsory for yourself.
You will feel a little change and happiness in your life it can also help you to fight with disease and can also get positivity while doing it.
it has the power to fight every disease and can kill the negative from your body and then you will feel good due to this reason of doing exercise.
If you want to make muscle then try to do anaerobic exercise and if you want to do weight loss then you should follow a diet and do cardio is not just for doing the weight loss but it is for staying fit.
Do whatever you want but do it. don't be lazy but just do it. Do any exercise whichever you like but do it properly if you will not do it properly then it may cause some problems to you