Friday, September 18, 2020

How to take care of your skin

how you can take care of your skin.

Our skin is made up of cells after some time some of our cells die that can be called dead cells. So we should exfoliate our skin, exfoliate means removal of dead cells from our body you can use a scrub or you can use sugar for that.

If your skin is drier then always stay hydrated and whenever you use face wash use moisturizer after it and drink plenty of water. Use a face that suits your skin type, eat lots of fruits and veggies instead of anything else try to skip processed food and you should eat less oily food and less sugar that will be better for your skin and body.

Exfoliate only once or twice a week, always use sunscreen while you go outside of the house, that will protect you from UV rays(ultraviolet ray).

You can also use turmeric on your skin as it is an antioxidant and also a good thing for your skin that will not cause you harm but try it .it may be beneficial for your skin, you can also use lemon on your skin or aloe vera.

So what is Aloe vera?

It is a type of plant which you can use on your skin, some people might drink it as a juice but I haven't it yet. So you can use it on your skin and also on your hair you will feel like you are using conditioner on your hair, So aloe vera is like a jelly.

How can we use it?

So take a knife and cut it into small pieces and take out the thing like jelly from inside it and apply wherever you want like on your skin or on your hair, it can make your skin healthy and moisturized and can also make your hair silky and soft.

From where can you get it and how you can keep it fresh?

You can get it from anywhere it is easy to identify you can get it from the farm and also you can get it from road elsewhere or you can grow it at home. For keeping, it fresh and good you should use the refrigerator cut it into small pieces, and keep it in the refrigerator. You can even buy it ready-made some company might be selling it in a bottle you should select it carefully see it won't contain chemical it should be organic.

As I know and as of what experience I have is I Use an Aloe vera gel of a company called wow as the experience I have with it is good. I would recommend you to use that because I have used that and it is organic, so not that only but you can buy from any company but it should be a chemical-free and organic.

What should I do If I feel always itchy on my whole body?
You should experiment with the food you are eating, you should see what you are drinking or see what you are using. You should do an experiment by checking with food, color, drink, or the product you are using. So you will get to know why you always feel itchy so tries it with everything that you are doing.

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